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 “Famous In France”

French director Joann Sfar has made a lavish biopic of France’s 60s pop music icon Serge Gainsbourg called “Gainsbourg”. The film’s psychedelic style is in keeping with the period in which Gainsbourg rose to fame, but it gives the movie a quality that can best be described as a mixture of Ken Russell with Fellini.

Gainsbourg’s success in Europe was never repeated in the U.S., probably because his songs were written and performed in French (although that didn’t stop Edith Piaf from becoming more widely known over here). His biggest hit was “Je t’aime… moi non plus” which he recorded with his wife Jane Birkin. Here on Billboard’s U.S. charts, the single reached a disappointing #69. Other than that, some Americans may also know Gainsbourg as the father of movie actress Charlotte Gainsbourg.


“Action At $4 A Gallon”

“Drive” is an intelligent, smartly conceived action film that takes off going zero-to-60 in the first frame. Ryan Gosling plays a character only known as “the driver”. His day-job is being a stunt driver for Hollywood movie productions. In his off hours, he moonlights as a getaway-car driver for bank heists and pawn shop robberies.

It sounds like the formula for a fantastic action picture, and it is. But when “the driver” meets Irene, a beautiful neighbor in his Los Angeles apartment building who is being a single mom while her husband is in jail, “Drive” becomes a beautiful love story. Irene is played by british actress Carey Mulligan with a spot-on American accent. When her husband returns from jail owing money to some nasty people, “the driver” gets involved in a scheme to save him and therefore protect Irene and her young son. His motivation is driven by his love for Irene.


“Investment Prophets”

Margin Call

To the average layman (those of us who don’t work on Wall Street) understanding the language of investment banking is like trying to translate hieroglyphics. But there’s no doubt that it would have been fascinating to be a fly on the wall of a Wall Street boardroom on the eve of the 2008 economic collapse and watch the devious planning of greedy bankers that would ultimately cause the U.S. economy to crumble to its knees.

J.C. Chandor’s sensational new financial thriller “Margin Call” lets us do just that. It’s 2008 at an unnamed investment banking firm (but you can fill in that blank with names like Lehman Brothers or Goldman Sachs) and a team of senior executives are overseeing the systematic layoffs of more than 60% of their work staff. One of the employees being fired is Eric Dale (played by Stanley Tucci). As security escorts him out of the building, he hands a computer disk-stick to another employee and warns him to “be careful”. That employee returns to his office, boots up his computer and begins to study the data which causes extreme alarm.

The Music Never Stopped

“Musical Chairs”

Supposedly based on fact (a case study by Oliver Sacks called “The Last Hippie”) Jim Kohlberg’s film “The Music Never Stopped” is a missed opportunity to tell an important story about the healing power of music. That’s because this rather serious subject is treated like an 80s disease-of-the-week made-for-TV movie.
Set in 1986, the story begins when two parents reconnect with their estranged son Gabriel after he’s lost his memory as the result of an operation to remove a brain tumor. Lou Taylor Pucci must be the luckiest actor alive to have landed the lead role of Gabriel without much acting experience or credits. His performance is laughably bad. His beard is worse.
Well known character actor J.K. Simmons plays Gabriel’s father as though he were Mike Brady of The Brady Bunch. It’s small consolation to know that his goofiness eventually becomes endearing in the end as he finally comes to embrace the 60s protest-rock music he once despised.

Winter In Wartime

“Those Amsterdamn Nazis”

The cinematography of “Schindler’s List” offered a weird contrast in showing us the beauty of black-and-white photography along with the ugliness of war. Martin Koolhoven’s new WWII Dutch Nazi drama “Winter In Wartime” is filmed in natural color, but looks as cold as winter with its ashen greys, whites and blues. Strangely beautiful to look at even as the ugliness of war is at its center.
It’s very near the end of WWII in The Netherlands when a young Dutch boy finds a wounded British soldier in the woods and attempts to help him. This draws the boy into the war, a concept that, in his young years, he’s first coming to understand. He makes it his mission to help the soldier escape, even if it endangers his family and creates sexual tension between the soldier and the boy’s sister.
Reportedly, this film is based on a 1972 children’s novel by Jan Terlouw. That’s a testament to how quickly European children mature. That a child can be the hero in a story with Nazis, guns and sex is a bit like putting Harry Potter in the real world and making him mortal!

Source Code

“Intelligent Sci-Fi Making A Comeback”

From “The Matrix” to “Minority Report” to “Groundhog Day”, the recipe for the new sci-fi thriller “Source Code” has a long list of familiar ingredients. But it’s served up with intelligence, humor and a lot of heart. Following “Limitless” only a few weeks ago, “Source Code” is evidence that thoughtful science-fiction is starting to make a strong comeback.
Jake Gyllenhaal plays a sort of military cyber-soldier. He wakes up on a Chicago commuter train that, in 8 minutes, will explode at the hands of a terrorist. In a cool bit of new time-travel physics, this explosion has already happened and everyone aboard the train has been killed, but Gyllenhaal is able to be sent back only as far as 8 minutes before the explosion for the purpose of identifying the terrorist before he can strike again later. His mission must be repeated over and over during those same 8 minutes until the terrorist can be identified. Saving the passengers or trying to alter the outcome is impossible since they are already dead. To explain more would be to give too much away.


“A Friend Behind The Camera”

When the cast of TV’s “Friends” moved their careers toward feature films, none of those results have been as shockingly surprising as David Schwimmer emerging as the director of one of this year’s strongest and most important films. “Trust” is a movie that every parent should require their teenage daughters to see before they are allowed to use the internet unsupervised. In fact, high schools everywhere should adopt this film as part of their acedemic curriculum.
“Trust” is the greatest movie ever made about statutory rape. It showcases a powerful performance by newcomer Liana Liberato as 14-year Annie Cameron who falls for a boy she meets in an internet chat room for teens. When they finally hook-up at a shopping mall, he is actually a 35-year old man and he seems to have her mentally trapped in a situation that soon becomes sexual.


“Anyone Can Be A Hero”

Unfunny is not how a comedy would want to be described. A movie like “Taxi Driver” wouldn’t be considered a comedy. Yet in “Super” Rainn Wilson plays a Travis Bickle-type psycho in a movie that comes dressed up like a comedy yet has more violence than a Martin Scorsese picture.
Wilson loses his wife (Liv Tyler) to Kevin Bacon, so he decides to become a home-made crime-fighter. He’s as human as you and I, with no special powers, but he creates the masked and costumed character Crimson Bolt and runs through the streets yelling “Shut Up Crime!” That’s funny, until it becomes evident that he might be very psychologically disturbed.
Eventually he meets up with Ellen Page in a comic book shop and she recruits herself to become his sidekick Boltie. There’s real chemistry between them and some of their scenes together are genuinely touching. Their journey leads to a startlingly bizarre conclusion which, again, is not funny.


Insidious” is an old-fashioned haunted house thriller. And probably the loudest. The “gotcha” moments are jolting, but the quieter moments are more frightening for their visual creepiness. James Wan’s film has the mood and atmosphere of Dario Argento’s best films. Like Argento’s “Suspiria”, this film has a glorious shivery look to it.
A couple played by Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne move their family into a new house and suddenly strange things begin to happen. So they move into another house, but the strange things follow them. Soon they realize that the houses aren’t haunted. It’s their son who’s haunted.
From here they enlist the services of a sort-of Ghostbusters-like crew and things really start jumping. Character actress Lin Shaye plays the family’s psychic advisor and she does a far better job of explaining their son’s condition than I ever could. It has something to do with out-of-body experiences and a dimension called The Further. But it’s all just window-dressing to disguise what is actually an all-too-familiar plot.


“A Real Spy Kid”

In 2007, 13-year old Saoirse Ronan received an Oscar nomination for her role in “Atonement”. She joined an impressive list of other child actresses who have been recognized by the Academy such as Jodie Foster, Tatum O’Neal and Abigail Breslin. Ronan’s nomination had me scratching my head. I didn’t get it. But after seeing her as the lead in Joe Wright’s new assassin thriller “Hanna”, I now think Ronan’s career trajectory will be more Jodie than Tatum.
In this astonishing new film, Ronan plays a 16-year old world-class-trained assassin named Hanna. Raised by her father, an ex-CIA assassin in exile played by Eric Bana, Hanna has never seen the outside world. She lives in the snowy woods in what looks like a cozy gingerbread cottage where her father has been relentlessly training her her whole life.
When Hanna feels confident and ready to face her destiny, her father tells her to flip a switch on a device that will alert the CIA to their whereabouts. That signal is then picked up by CIA hardass Cate Blanchett who wants to hunt down and kill Bana. The international chase-to-the-death is on from the Arctic Circle to Germany.

The Conspirator

“Lincoln Assassinated Again”

It’s amazing that such a towering historical figure like Abraham Lincoln has not yet had a decent movie made that’s about him. Steven Spielberg’s got one in the works for next year in which Daniel Day-Lewis plays Lincoln, so that strange missing link between Hollywood and history might finally have a resolution. There have been a few minor films about Lincoln nearly a century ago, and others in which President Lincoln is a supporting character in stories about The Civil War. But none that really ever focused on the man, his politics and his leadership of this nation through an extremely turbulant period.
Robert Redford’s new directorial effort “The Conspirator” is a story on the trial of the assassins. If that phrase sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because it’s similar to the title of Jim Garrison’s book about the Kennedy assassination which happened almost exactly 100 years after Lincoln’s assassination.

Water For Elephants

“Robert Pattinson’s Sideshow”

The circus is often described as “the greatest show on earth”. But music video director Francis Lawrence shows that he’s incapable of cinematic greatness. His film version of the popular novel “Water For Elephants” is dull and lifeless. Even with ace screenwriter Richard LaGravenese (“The Bridges Of Madison County”) on board, Lawrence is more concerned with the visuals rather than with getting any real emotion to leap off the pages and on to the screen.
The casting of “Twilight’s” sexy vampire Robert Pattinson may have been viewed as money in the bank by producers, but Pattinson meanders through this movie in a zombie-like trance offering no romantic chemistry with Reese Witherspoon. When we meet Reese’s character, she is married to the villain of the story played with poisonous venom by Christoph Waltz. Waltz plays the owner of a traveling circus who employs Pattinson as a veterinarian to care for his mistreated animals.

The Bang Bang Club

“Action, Then Cameras”

The Bang Bang Club” doesn’t offer enough bang-bang for your bucks. It’s an amateur version of a mature movie. It looks like the real thing on the surface, but lacks any real depth.
Ryan Phillippe plays real-life combat photojournalist Greg Marinovich. As a member of a gang of photographers, Marinovich finds himself competiting with his colleagues to get the best shot of the bloody action that surrounds them daily.
These wartime paparazzi are based in the South African town of Soweto in the mid-90s. Very little is explained about the politics of the conflict they are covering. They just follow the bloodshed the way Hollywood paparazzi follow Lindsay Lohan.
Their photos are then sold to the photo editor of a Johannesburg newspaper played by Malin Akerman. Almost as an obligitory element to the film, Akerman and Phillippe develop a romantic relationship that leads absolutely nowhere. Akerman’s British accent is so bad that it makes Madonna sound positively royal by comparison!

Last Night

“Europe In Manhattan”

Does Massy Tadjedin want to be Woody Allen? Tadjedin’s directorial feature debut “Last Night” is a four-character relationship drama taking place in New York. Three of the characters are from Europe and their accents seem to instantly elevate their IQ’s. It’s certainly refreshing to hear such intellectual conversation from a source other than Allen. Tadjedin has pulled off a near miracle here, losing points only for some ambitious yet pretentious editing that becomes annoying in several scenes.
But a conversational movie requires performances from actors that are so good we find ourselves hanging on their every word. Keira Knightley, Sam Worthington and Eva Mendes are three of those actors turning in top-notch dramatic performances. Each succeed beyond our expectations. Keira Knightly gives a tour-de-force that shows her at her Oscar-calibre best and more than justifies her recent Academy Award nomination for “Pride And Prejudice”.

Everything Must Go

“Making The Most Of A Bad Day”

Will Ferrell surprises us with some serious dramatic moves in his latest film “Everything Must Go”. Ferrell plays recovering alcoholic Nick Halsey on the worst day of his life. After being fired from his job, he returns home to find his wife has left him, locked him out of his house and has thrown all of his belongings out onto the front lawn. His response is to just sleep there on his favorite leather chair to the displeasure of his neighbors.
He drinks beer like a fish drinks water, that is until his cash runs out. With his credit cards not working, he finally decides to turn his plight into a massive yard sale. He befriends a young neighborhood boy to help him, smartly played by Christopher Wallace. He also strikes up a friendship with the pregnant woman moving into the house across the street, especially well-played by Rebecca Hall.


“Here Come The Bridesmaids”

Although it’s Maya Rudolph who’s getting married, Kristen Wiig and Rose Byrne steal the spotlight as feuding bridesmaids each trying to top each other in their arrangements for the girls’ pre-wedding events. From producer Judd Apatow who has been responsible for raising the bar on raunchy comedy since his 2007 hit “Knocked Up”, here’s a film that lets the women get raunchy for a change. That twist of getting sex jokes from the female point of view is actually a fresh and funny approach to movies like this.
Director Paul Feig is having so much fun with this material, he allows his film to run past the 2-hour mark which is unusual for a comedy these days. But with so many laugh-out-loud moments, the length can be forgiven, even with some unorginial and unfunny bathroom humor thrown in here and there.

The Beaver

“Jodie Foster’s ‘Beaver’ Finally Opens”

Let’s pretend for a moment that Mel Gibson never had a real-life mental breakdown. That he’s not violent toward women. That he’s still the biggest movie star on the planet. And that the public is still unaware of the anti-semitism of Gibson. Pretend that Jodie Foster’s latest film “The Beaver”, which stars Mel Gibson, is being released during Gibson’s most successful period among films like “Maverick”, “Braveheart” and “What Women Want”.
Now, imagine how a film like “The Beaver” would be received in that world. A film in which Gibson plays a family man so depressed with his life that he can only communicate with people through a beaver hand-puppet he found in a trash bin. And if you’re wondering why this role wasn’t given to Jim Carrey, it’s because “The Beaver” is definitely not a comedy. The only laughs generated by this film (mostly embarrassed snickers) are from people laughing at it, not with it.
So, in a world where Mel Gibson is still a much-loved movie star, “The Beaver” is one of those movies that could actually be considered a career-killer reminiscent of things like Sylvester Stallone’s “Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot”.

Midnight In Paris

“Woody Allen Makes Magic”

Woody Allen’s “Midnight In Paris” is charming and delightful. Getting out of New York has definitely been inspiring Allen in recent years and this is one of his most entertaining films in quite some time.
Critics everywhere have been challenging themselves to write about this film without giving away a magical plot twist. Roger Ebert didn’t even try to avoid it announcing at the top of his review that there would be spoilers ahead. As a rule, I never put spoilers in my reviews, but I also don’t get as detailed as most film critics when reviewing a film. If you want details, see the film!
Having said that, I firmly do not believe that divulging the so-called plot twist in “Midnight In Paris” would be a spoiler at all. That’s because it’s not really a plot twist to begin with. It first happens ten minutes into the film and then continues throughout the entire movie. It’s the premise of the film and therefore should not be kept a secret. It’s the seed from which the plot grows. So here I go, if you really don’t want to know then stop reading now.

The Hangover Part 2

“One Night In Bangkok”

Sequels are usually dangerous for fans hoping to recapture the experience they had with part one of anything. Sequels are never dangerous for those who profit from their release. If you build it, they will come, but only if they liked the first one, even if they’re well aware of how many hours they’ve wasted watching sequels they don’t like. There are rare exceptions like “Terminator 2” or “Godfather 2”, but “The Hangover” is a film that did not need a relapse. Especially one that’s not very funny.
“The Hangover Part 2” is basically the same film as “The Hangover” only not as fresh-feeling. The concepts and characters are identical, but the setting has been moved from Las Vegas to Bangkok. Even the structure of the way the story is presented is the same. I suspect you could perfectly sync-up the two films and the scene changes would totally match. But the laughs are all in the first film, not this one.
The basic premise of both movies is a group of friends having a bachelor party-style wild night prior to a wedding. They wake up the morning after with no memory of the bizarre events of the night. One of their friends is missing and they must re-trace their steps from strange clues they find. The jokes are raunchy and very R-rated.
With the first film being such a monumental hit, it’s certainly curious why they would bring in new writer Craig Mazin for the sequel. Mazin’s last film was the underwhelming so-so comedy “Superhero Movie” in 2008.
History will view the two ‘Hangover’ films like this. In 1976, a group of raunchy foul-mouthed Little League baseball players were a hit in “The Bad News Bears”. Two years later came the now-forgotten sequel “The Bad News Bears Go To Japan”. “The Hangover Part 2” is “The Bad News Bears Go To Japan” in this scenario.

DVD Double Feature:
The fresh and very funny original “The Hangover”.

Super 8

“Not Very Super”

No, it’s not the 7th sequel to the Rainn Wilson comedy “Super” from earlier this year! “Super 8” is the hotly anticipated new sci-fi film from director J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg. The setting is Ohio in 1979 when teenagers made their amateur movies on Super 8mm film, unlike today’s easy-to-operate digital video cameras.
“Close Encounters Of The Third Kind”, “E.T.”, “Raiders Of The Lost Ark”, “Jaws” and “The Sugarland Express” are just some of the Spielberg films that have inspired Abrams to make this film. Skilled as he is, Abrams is no Spielberg. “Super 8” sadly lacks the awe-inspring excitement of Spielberg’s films. It’s a fine imitation, but there’s nothing like the real thing.
The plot is like “The Goonies” meets “Close Encounters”. A group a 14-year olds set out to make a zombie movie with their Super 8 camera. During the filming of one scene, they accidentally capture a train derailment in the background. The train that has derailed was carrying an alien being which has now escaped and is terrorizing the town. This is a great set-up for a mystery in which the clues to whatever is happening might lie within the frames of that super 8 film. But, unfortunately I wasn’t asked to write this film, so that’s not what happens! Instead, the kids’ film itself plays no further role in Abrams’ film after the alien is set loose. From there, it just becomes like a weird sci-fi version of Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” leading to a laughably bad conclusion that seems more in line with bad B-movies than with anything Spielberg has ever directed.
The kids in the cast are mostly unknowns and all are quite good. Elle Fanning proves that she’s on her way to becoming a better actress than her sister Dakota.
The soundtrack is filled with authentic 70s hits. But in striving for 70s authenticity, it’s strange that Abrams’ movie is louder than a rock concert. Hey, Abrams, movies in the 70s were never this loud. The noise is an annoying distraction.
Another oddly annoying distraction is the constant appearance of blue-lines flashing across the screen from lights that hit the camera lens the wrong way. This just makes the film look defective. Shame on the cinematographer.
The best moment in “Super 8” happens over the closing credits when we get to see the full-length Super 8 film the kids have made. Intentionally amateurish and simply wonderful.
DVD Double Feature:
Today’s teens will probably like “Super 8” more than I did. That’s because most of them never saw the original Spielberg films that serve as Abrams’ template. But they would be wise to stay home and watch Spielberg’s 1977 masterpiece “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind” before they go to see “Super 8”. Richard Dreyfuss plays a man (in Ohio) who has a close encounter with an alien being. Let Spielberg show you how this sort of movie should be made.

The Tree Of Life

“The Meandering Of Life”

Famously boo’d at Cannes earlier this year, “The Tree Of Life”, Terrence Malick’s fifth film in nearly as many decades, is a 2-and-a-half-hour meandering, lifeless bore. Describing it as cinematic poetry is accurate, but not much of a recommendation.
Despite starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, this movie has precious little dialogue. Most of the screen time is taken up with Malick’s vision of Earth’s creation. In a scene that feels like an eternity, Malick takes us from the birth of our Earth through dinosaurs and eventually humans populating the planet. This is the pretentious and overly ambitious prelude to a story about a midwestern couple coping with the death of one of their sons. How he died, we are never told. Birth is a more important detail in this movie than death.
I don’t have anything against super-arty filmmakers with lofty, epic ambitions. But Malick’s cosmic visuals are surprisingly unimaginative. Everything looks familiar. Like scenes from countless other movies. If there’s copyright-free library stock footage of the beginning of time, it would look like the stuff in this movie. It’s like Malick was working with a CGI-starter kit.
Edited with a peculiar sense of randomness, many might wonder if Malick has lost most of his marbles by now. There are far too many moments of lengthy black-screen nothingness. If Malick’s intention was to immerse his audience in a deep black hole, his attempt is thwarted by the fact that whenever the screen is black the audience focuses on the green-glowing exit signs on either side of the screen.
If you’re the adventurous type who wants to give this film a chance, see it at off hours when the theater is likely to be less crowded. I viewed this film with a packed audience. The steady and constant exit of audience members was a continual distraction. By the time the film finally ended, there were only 12 people left in the theater. You have been warned.
DVD Double Feature:
With 2011’s “The Tree Of Life”, Terrence Malick has now made five films. My favorite of the five was his second film, 1978’s “Days Of Heaven”. Richard Gere and Brooke Adams are lovers who claim to be brother and sister for the purpose of keeping their jobs on a farm. When their employer Sam Shepard falls in love with Adams, this triangle becomes tricky. Clocking in at a reasonable 93 minutes, this is a work from Terrence Malick’s better days.

Bad Teacher

“Too Bad”

I used to like Cameron Diaz. But in her new so-called comedy “Bad Teacher” it’s so easy to dislike her. Not just her character, but Diaz herself. And I’m not even sure if that’s a compliment to her performance. Diaz is playing a school teacher who is meant to be disliked. And she’s doing a hell of a job. It’s just a shame that the movie she’s acting in is so awful and stunningly unfunny.
“Bad Teacher” is directed by Jake Kasdan who, only a few years ago, made one of my favorite recent comedies in “Walk Hard”. So my expectations were high. I found myself trying to like it more. There were awkward moments of forced giggles, only to be embarrassed when I realized that the joke wasn’t really very funny at all.
Even the general plot makes you wonder how anyone could have signed on to make this movie. Diaz plays a bitter middle school teacher with a chip on her shoulder the size of a mountain. She’s a loner who is overflowing with bad habits and genuine ugliness. Her only goal in life is to marry a rich guy, not for love, but for his money. And she’s quite openly sincere about that.
She thinks the best way to lure wealthy men is to increase the size of her breasts. When she learns that her breast-enhancement surgery will cost neary ten grand, she uses her teaching position to create all kinds of oddball schemes to raise that money. From stealing her students’ car wash money, to conspiring to steal the state’s scholastic test answers, Diaz bounces all over the map as a cold-hearted lifeless bitch.
Making matters worse is co-star Justin Timberlake, Diaz’s real-life ex. Their scenes together are uncomfrotable to watch as their chemistry is clearly gone. They share a ridiculous sex scene with their clothes on! It’s probably meant as comedy, but it doesn’t even rate a chuckle from the audience.
DVD Double Feature:
In 1999, Alexander Payne made the ultimate ‘bad teacher’ comedy. It’s called “Election”. Reese Witherspoon plays a sexy, driven overachiever. Her teacher, played by Matthew Broderick, becomes obsessed with preventing her from winning an election for class president. Hilarious, truly inspired, and far superior to “Bad Teacher” in every way.

Horrible Bosses

“When Your Job Blows”

“Horrible Bosses” is a laugh-out-loud comedy about murder and sexual harassment in the workplace. There are 3 bosses, Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Aniston and Colin Farrell, and the 3 employees who want them dead, Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day.
The 3 employees enlist the help of Jamie Foxx (an ex-con for committing crimes against Ethan Hawke) to serve as their murder guru advisor. The 3 murder plots become entangled with hilarious results.
Darker, edgier and sexually raunchier than the similarly themed “Nine To Five” in which 3 secretaries conspire to murder their boss, “Horrible Bosses” is at least 3 times funnier than that 1980 film.
In the tradition of “The Hangover” and this year’s “Bridesmaids”, “Horrible Bosses” tries hard to top the crude sexual humor in those films, and at times succeeds. But there’s plenty of standard sit-com hilarity as well. The 3 fish-out-of-water criminal-to-be’s argue and bicker with a Neil Simon-esque sarcasm that keeps the laughometer pumped up to eleven.
DVD Double Feature:
Kevin Spacey played this horrible boss character once before. In the brilliant movie-biz comedy “Swimming With Sharks” from 1994. He really is the same character in both films, but watch the earlier film and see his Buddy Ackerman be even more horrible to his new assistant played by Frank Whaley.

Transformers: the Dark of the Moon - June 29

About the film:
The Autobots learn of a Cybertronian spacecraft hidden on the Moon, and race against the Decepticons to reach it and learn its secrets, which could turn the tide in the Transformers' final battle.

Status: Post-production

This film was Previously Known As:
"Transformers 3"

Shia LaBeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Ken Jeong, Kevin Dunn, Julie White, Patrick Dempsey

Director: Michael Bay

Screenwriter: Ehren Kruger

Genre: Action, Sci-fi


Terri - July 1

About the film:
The story focuses on the relationship between Terri, an oversized teen misfit, and the garrulous but well-meaning vice principal who takes an interest in him.

John C. Reilly, Jacob Wysocki, Creed Bratton, Olivia Crocicchia, Bridger Zadina, Tim Heidecker

Director: Azazel Jacobs

Screenwriter: Patrick deWitt

Genre: Comedy

Monte Carlo - July 1

About the film:
A girl and her best friend travel to Paris, accompanied by her future, uptight stepsister. When one of the girls is mistaken for a spoiled British heiress, they are caught up in a whirlwind of attention and find themselves going on a dream vacation to Monte Carlo.

Katie Cassidy, Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Pierre Boulanger, Andie MacDowell, Cory Monteith

Director: Tom Bezucha

Screenwriter: Tom Bezucha, April Blair
Script: Novel Adaptation

Genre: Comedy, Teen

Larry Crowne - July 1

About the film:
Oscar® winners Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts reunite for a dramatic comedy about how the hard knocks from today's recession inspire one everyday guy to undergo a personal reinvention: Larry Crowne.
Until he was downsized, affable, amiable Larry Crowne (Hanks) was a superstar team leader at the big-box company where he's worked since his time in the Navy. Underwater on his mortgage and unclear on what to do with his suddenly free days, Larry heads to his local college to start over. There he becomes part of a colorful community of outcasts, also-rans and the overlooked all trying to find a better future for themselves…often moving around town in a herd of scooters. In his public-speaking class, Larry develops an unexpected crush on his teacher Mercedes Tainot (Roberts), who has lost as much passion for teaching as she has for her husband.
The simple guy who has every reason to think his life has stalled will come to learn an unexpected lesson: when you think everything worth having has passed you by, you just might discover your reason to live. 

Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Bryan Cranston, Cedric the Entertainer, Taraji P. Henson, Gugu Mbatha Raw, Wilmer Valderrama, Pam Grier, Rami Malek, George Takei, Grace Gummer, Rita Wilson, Jon Seda

Director: Tom Hanks

Screenwriter: Tom Hanks, Nia Vardalos

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama

Senna-August 12

The story of the monumental life and tragic death of legendary Brazilian motor-racing Champion, Ayrton Senna. Spanning the decade from his arrival in Formula One in the mid 80's, the film follows Senna's struggles both on track against his nemesis, French World Champion Alain Prost, and off it, against the politics which infest the sport. Sublime, spiritual yet, on occasion, ruthless - Senna conquers and transcends Formula One to become a global superstar. Privately, he is humble, almost shy, and fiercely patriotic, donating millions to his native Brasil and contemplating a life beyond motor-racing. Yet he is struck down in his prime on the blackest weekend in the history of the sport, watched live on television by 300 million people. Years on he is revered in Formula One as the greatest motor racing driver of all time - and in Brasil as a Saint.

Conan the Barbarian-August 19

"I live. I love. I slay... I am content."
- Conan The Barbarian

The most legendary Barbarian of all time is back this Summer. Having thrived and evolved for eight consecutive decades in the public imagination- in prose and graphics, on the big screen and small, in games and properties of all kinds- Conan’s exploits in the Hyborian Age now come alive like never before in a colossal 3D action-adventure film.

A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.

Flypaper-August 19

A man caught in the middle of two different robberies at the same bank, tries to protect a bank teller with whom he's secretly in love.

Fright Night-August 19

Senior Charley Brewster (Anton Yelchin) finally has it all - he's running with the popular crowd and dating the hottest girl in high school. In fact, he's so cool he's even dissing his best friend Ed (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). But trouble arrives when an intriguing stranger Jerry (Colin Farrell) moves in next door. He seems like a great guy at first, but there's something not quite right - yet no one, including Charley's mom (Toni Collette), seems to notice! After witnessing some very unusual activity, Charley comes to an unmistakable conclusion: Jerry is a vampire preying on his neighborhood. Unable to convince anyone that he's telling the truth, Charley has to find a way to get rid of the monster himself in this Craig Gillespie-helmed revamp of the comedy-horror classic.

One Day-August 19

Adapted from the internationally praised and bestselling novel, "One Day" charts an extraordinary relationship. After only one day together in 1989, Emma Morley (Academy Award nominee Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess of "Across the Universe") cannot stop thinking about one another. Over the next twenty years, key moments of their relationship are revealed on the same day -- July 15th -- of each year. Dex and Em face friendship and fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. And as the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself.

Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World-August 19

A mother -- and a retired spy -- returns to her old profession in order to prevent a villain bent on stopping time.

Colombiana-August 26

A Latin American girl's parents are assassinated by hired killers. Years later, she becomes a professional killer and seeks revenge.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark-August 26

Based on the 1973 telefilm that producer Guillermo del Toro believes is the scariest TV production ever made, the story follows Sally (Madison), a young girl who moves to Rhode Island to live with her father (Pearce) and his new girlfriend (Holmes) in the 19th-century mansion they are restoring. While exploring the house, Sally starts to hear voices coming from creatures in the basement whose hidden agenda is to claim her as one of their own. Akin to del Toro's PAN'S LABYRINTH, DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK focuses on a young girl's struggle against menacing and terrifying forces.

Higher Ground-August 26

A chronicle of one woman's lifelong struggle with her faith.

Our Idiot Brother-August 26

An idealist crashes into the homes of his three ambitious sisters and, in succession, brings truth, happiness and a sunny disposition into their lives while also wreaking havoc.

The Debt-August 31

The espionage thriller begins in 1997, as shocking news reaches retired Mossad secret agents Rachel and Stephan about their former colleague David. All three have been venerated for decades by their country because of the mission that they undertook back in 1966, when the trio tracked down Nazi war criminal Vogel in East Berlin. At great risk, and at considerable personal cost, the team's mission was accomplished – or was it? The suspense builds in and across two different time periods, with startling action and surprising revelations.


The film follows the lives of 10 people who were affected by the events of 9/11 over the past 10 years.


Hanna and Simon, a couple in their early forties, live together in Berlin. With their 20th anniversary looming, they both become restless despite being truly and deeply in love. Unbeknownst to one another, they become acquainted with Adam, a younger man, and fall in love with him.

Apollo 18-Sept 2

Set to be shot documentary style, the film unearths lost footage from Apollo 18’s undocumented and covert mission to the moon, revealing disturbing new evidence of other life forms.

Shark Night 3D-Sept 2

A weekend at a lake house in the Louisiana Gulf turns into a nightmare for seven vacationers as they are subjected to fresh-water shark attacks.

Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star-Sept 9

A small-town nerd stumbles upon a family secret: His quiet and demure parents were famous porn stars in the 1970s. This motivates him to leave Northern Iowa for Hollywood, hoping to follow in their footsteps and fulfill his destiny as the biggest adult-film star in the world.

Warrior-Sept 9

Two estranged brothers are set on a collision course to fight in a mixed-martial-arts tournament for the heavyweight championship.

Drive-Sept 16

A Hollywood stunt driver, who moonlights as a wheelman during robberies, discovers that a contract has been put on him.

I Don't Know How She Does It-Sept 16

A comedy centered on the life of Kate Reddy, a finance executive who is the breadwinner for her husband and two kids.

Johnny English Reborn-Sept 16

This time around, Johnny English flushes out traitors in Her Majesty's Secret Service.

Straw Dogs-Sept 16

Los Angeles screenwriter David Sumner moves with his wife to her hometown in the deep South. Once there, tensions build in their marriage and old conflicts re-emerge with the locals, leading to a violent confrontation.

Abduction-Sept 23

A young man discovers his own baby picture on a missing persons website.

Dolphin Tale 3D-Sept 23

After an injured dolphin loses her tail in a crab trap, everyone around her is motivated to save her by creating a prosthetic tail.

Moneyball-Sept 23

The story is about Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics who used a sophisticated computer analysis system to piece together a team that regularly contended for the World Series despite a payroll dramatically lower than such big-market rivals as the New York Yankees.

50/50-Sept 30

"I'm With Cancer" is Will Reiser's account of his struggle to beat cancer, with the story centering on a 25-year-old who finds out he has the disease.

Anonymous-Sept 30

A political thriller about who actually wrote the plays of William Shakespeare-- Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford-- set against the backdrop of the succession of Queen Elizabeth I, and the Essex Rebellion against her.

Dream House-Sept 30

A New York publishing executive relocates his family to a small New England town, only to learn that their new home was the scene of a vicious murder.

What's Your Number?-Sept 30

After reading a magazine article that leads her to believe she's going to be forever alone, Ally Darling begins a wild search for the best "ex" of her life.

A Good Old Fashioned Orgy

The story follows a close group of 30-somethings who spend every summer weekend throwing elaborate theme parties at their friend Eric's (Sudeikis) family home in the Hamptons. When Eric's dad decides to sell off their summer playground, the friends agree there is only one way to have the biggest and brashest send off party, a good old fashioned orgy.

We Were Here

The film takes a deep and reflective look back at the impact of the AIDS epidemic in San Francisco when it was first identified 30 years ago this year. It explores how the City's inhabitants were affected by, and responded to the calamitous epidemic.

WE WERE HERE reaches beyond San Francisco and the human toll of AIDS itself. It is an inspirational film that speaks to the human capacity of individuals to rise to the occasion, and to the incredible collective power of a community coming together with love, compassion, and determination.

Martha Marcy May Marlene-Oct 7

Martha, after escaping a cult she was involved with in a farm in New York's Catskills, now lives with her older sister. While trying to adjust to normal life, horrifying flashbacks give a glimpse of what she experienced on the farm.

Real Steel-Oct 7

Set in the near future, where combatants control human-like 2000-pound robots that battle in the ring, a father and son take their robot to the Bot Boxing Championship.

Take Shelter-Oct 7

Curtis LaForche lives in a small Ohio town with his wife Samantha and six-year-old daughter Hannah, who is deaf. Curtis makes a modest living as a crew chief for a sand-mining company. Samantha is a stay-at-home mother and part-time seamstress who supplements their income by selling handmade wares at the flea market each weekend. Money is tight, and navigating Hannah's healthcare and special needs education is a constant struggle. Despite that, Curtis and Samantha are very much in love and their family is a happy one.
Then Curtis begins having terrifying dreams about an encroaching, apocalyptic storm. He chooses to keep the disturbance to himself, channeling his anxiety into the obsessive building of a storm shelter in their backyard. His seemingly inexplicable behavior concerns and confounds Samantha, and provokes intolerance among co-workers, friends and neighbors. But the resulting strain on his marriage and tension within the community doesn't compare to Curtis' private fear of what his dreams may truly signify.
Faced with the proposition that his disturbing visions signal disaster of one kind or another, Curtis confides in Samantha, testing the power of their bond against the highest possible stakes.

WanderLust-Oct 7

A couple, after losing all of their money, take refuge at a commune.

The Big Year-Oct 14

Three men try to outdo each other during a year-long competition to spot the rarest birds in North America.

The Ides of March-Oct 14

During the course of a presidential campaign, a young communications director falls prey to the backstabbing and other dirty trickery of seasoned rivals.

The Thing-Oct 14

A shape-shifting alien terrorizes researchers at an Antarctic facility.

The Three Musketeers 3D-Oct 14

The hot-headed young D'Artagnan (Logan Lerman) joins forces with three rogue Musketeers (Matthew MacFadyen, Luke Evans and Ray Stevenson) in this reboot of Alexandre Dumas' story. They must stop the evil Richlieu (Christoph Waltz) and face off with Buckingham (Orlando Bloom) and the treacherous Milady (Milla Jovovich). The action adventure is given a state of the art update in 3D.

Contagion-Oct 21

The story centers on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak.

Like Crazy-Oct 28

A British college student falls for an American student, only to be separated from him when she's banned from the U.S. after overstaying her visa.

Now-Oct 28

In the not-too-distant future, the aging gene has been switched off. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency and the way people pay for luxuries and necessities. The rich can live forever, while the rest try to negotiate for their immortality. A poor young man comes into a fortune of time, though too late to help his mother from dying. He ends up on the run from a corrupt police force known as "time keepers".

The Rum Diary-Oct 28

The film is about the life and events of Paul Kemp, a freelance journalist who finds himself at a critical turning point in his life while writing for a run-down newspaper in the Caribbean in 1959. Paul is challenged on many levels as he tries to carve out a more secure niche for himself amidst a group of lost souls all bent on self-destruction.

Safe-Oct 28

After a former elite agent rescues a 12-year-old Chinese girl who's been abducted, they find themselves in the middle of a standoff between Triads, the Russian Mafia and high-level corrupt New York City politicians and police.

Pete Smalls Is Dead

Former Oscar winning screenwriter KC Munk is down on his luck, reduced to counting quarters in a broken down Laundromat in a go-nowhere town. When his bookie shows up on his doorstep looking for $10,000, KC has nothing left to give so they take the only thing he has left – his best friend and 16-year-old dog, Buddha.

In order to get Buddha back, KC has to go back to the place he hates – Los Angeles – and borrow money from the one guy he knows who has money – his old friend, the infamous film (and blowhard) director Pete Smalls. Unfortunately, when KC finally gets to Los Angeles he finds out his good friend Pete Smalls is actually dead and his masterpiece, his unfinished final film, is gone.

Such begins a frantic search through Los Angeles and into Mexico for KC Munk and his best buddy Jack Games, Jack's Armenian millionaire uncle Sacco, bigwig producer Hal Lazar, Pete's gold-digging ex-wife Julia, sleazy independent financiers Bernie Lake and Leonard Proval, smoking hot French editor Saskia, and a host of other colorful characters who are all trying to find out the answer to one simple question: Is Pete Smalls Dead?

So Undercover

A tough, street-smart private eye is hired by the FBI to go undercover in a college sorority.

Puss in Boots-Nov 4

Puss In Boots - one of the most beloved characters of the "Shrek" universe - tells the hilarious and courageous (daring, bold, brave) tale of Puss's (Antonio Banderas) early adventures as he teams with mastermind Humpty Dumpty (Zach Galifianakis) and the street-savvy Kitty (Salma Hayek) to steal the famed goose that lays the Golden Eggs.

Tower Heist-Nov 4

A group of hard working guys who find out they've fallen victim to a wealthy business man's Ponzi scheme and they conspire to rob his high-rise residence.

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas-Nov 4

Six years have elapsed since Guantanemo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But when Kumar arrives on Harold's doorstep during the holiday season with a mysterious package in hand, he inadvertently burns down Harold's father-in-law's beloved Christmas tree. To fix the problem, Harold and Kumar embark on a mission through New York City to find the perfect Christmas tree, once again stumbling into trouble at every single turn.

Immortals-Nov 11

As a power-mad king razes ancient Greece in search of a legendary weapon, a heroic young villager rises up against him in a thrilling quest as timeless as it is powerful.

The brutal and bloodthirsty King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) and his murderous Heraklion army are rampaging across Greece in search of the long lost Bow of Epirus. With the invincible Bow, the king will be able to overthrow the Gods of Olympus and become the undisputed master of his world. With ruthless efficiency, Hyperion and his legions destroy everything in their wake, and it seems nothing will stop the evil king’s mission.

As village after village is obliterated, a stonemason named Theseus (Henry Cavill) vows to avenge the death of his mother in one of Hyperion's raids. When Theseus meets the Sybelline Oracle, Phaedra (Freida Pinto), her disturbing visions of the young man’s future convince her that he is the key to stopping the destruction. With her help, Theseus assembles a small band of followers and embraces his destiny in a final desperate battle for the future of humanity.

Happy Feet Two-Nov 18

Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreo-phobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and ecnounters The Mighty Sven - a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model.

But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces.

Erik learns of his father's "guts and grit" as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures - from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals - to put things right.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy-Nov 18

A retired British intelligence officer is asked to return to his old agency to discover which of his former colleagues is a Russian spy.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1-Nov 18

The Quileute and the Volturi close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses different threats to the wolf pack and vampire coven.

Arthur Christmas-Nov 23

The story answers every child's question -- "So how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night?" -- and focuses on Santa's ultra-high-tech operation hidden beneath the North Pole.

Hugo Cabret-Nov 23

12-year-old orphan Hugo secretly lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station and looks after the clocks. He gets caught up in a mystery adventure when he attempts to repair a mechanical man.

The Muppets-Nov 23

Kermit the Frog and his muppet pals put on a show to save their old theater.

New Year's Eve-Dec 9

The lives of several couples and singles in New York intertwine over the course of New Year's Eve.

The Sitter-Dec 9

A college student, suspended for the semester and living back at home with his single mom, has a night to remember when he gets talked into baby-sitting the eccentric kids next door -- two boys and a wild 8-year-old girl.

The Descendants-Dec 16

A wealthy landowner takes his two daughters on a search for his wife's lover in the hopes of keeping his family together.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo-Dec 21

Journalist-investigator Mikael Blomkvist and a precocious computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander become embroiled in life-threatening mysteries as they attempt to expose institutions that pull the strings behind the scenes.

The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn-Dec 23

A young reporter named Tintin and his dog, a terrier named Snowy, travel the world and set off on countless adventures.

Black Gold-Dec 23

Set in the 1930s Arab states at the dawn of the oil boom, the story centers on a young Arab prince torn between allegiance to his conservative father and modern, liberal father-in-law.

The Darkest Hour in 3-D -Dec 23

A group of Americans traveling in Moscow are struggling to survive in Russia after an alien invasion.

In the Land of Blood and Honey -Dec 23

The story focuses on a love affair between a Bosnian woman and a Serbian military man.

We Bought a Zoo -Dec 23

Benjamin Mee and his family used their life savings to buy a dilapidated zoo with 200 exotic animals facing destruction. Along with his children, he had to balance caring for his wife, who was dying of brain cancer, with dealing with escaped tigers, raising endangered animals, working with an eclectic skeleton crew and readying the zoo for a reopening.

War Horse-Dec 28

The story centers on the extraordinary friendship between a boy and a horse who are separated but whose fates continue to be intertwined over the course of WWI.

Tanner Hall

Tanner Hall is a vivid peek into the private world of an all-girls boarding school. In a cozy, but run down New England, the knot of adolescent complexity is unraveled through the coming of age stories of four teen-age girls.

The Trip-June 10

When Steve Coogan is asked by The Observer to tour the country's finest restaurants, he envisions it as the perfect getaway with his beautiful girlfriend. But, when she backs out on him, he has no one to accompany him but his best friend and source of eternal aggravation, Rob Brydon. As the brilliant comic duo, freestyling with flair, drive each other mad with constant competition and showdowns of competing impressions (including dueling Michael Caines, Sean Connerys and Al Pacinos), the ultimate odd couple realize in the end a rich amount about not only good food, but the nature of fame, relationships and their own lives.

Super 8-June 10

In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small Ohio town witness catastrophic train crash while making a super 8 movie and soon suspect that it was not an accident. Shortly after, unusual disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town, and the local Deputy tries to uncover the truth - something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined.

Road to Nowhere-June 10

A young filmmaker becomes entangled in a criminal scheme while making a movie on location.

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer-June 10

The story follows the humorous adventures of third-grader Judy Moody and her brother Stink.

The Chameleon-June 10

A young man reunites with his family after being positively identified in an unsolved missing-persons case. The reunion turns bittersweet when suspicions arise about whether he really is their son.

One Lucky Elephant-June 8

Where does an elephant go after a life in the circus? Sixteen years have passed since circus producer David Balding adopted Flora, the orphaned baby African elephant. As Flora approaches adulthood, David realizes that she is not happy performing. Ultimately, he must face the difficult truth that the circus is no place for Flora; she needs to be with other elephants. The road to Flora’s retirement, however, is a difficult and emotional journey which tests their bond in unexpected ways. ONE LUCKY ELEPHANT eschews easy sentimentality and doesn't shy away from examining the problems and mysteries posed by keeping wild animals in captivity, while never losing sight of the delicate love story between a man and a 10,000 pound elephant, who share feelings of loyalty, sorrow, admiration and joy. The film is suitable for children, 10 and older.


Jenis Film :Drama/religi
Produser :Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Produksi :Md Pictures
Durasi :0

Cast & Crew
Pemain :
  • Herjunot Ali
  • Laudya Cynthia Bella
  • Niken Anjani
  • Tara Budiman
  • Hj. Jenny Rachman
  • Widyawati
  • Didi Petet
  • Leroy Osmani
Sutradara : Hanny R Saputra
Penulis : Titien Wattimena & Armantono

Hamid dan Zainab berasal dari dua keluarga dengan tingkat sosial yang berbeda. Hamid yang berasal dari keluarga miskin dan Zainab yang berasal dari keluarga kaya. Hamid mendapat dukungan dana sekolah dari ayah Zainab, ibu Hamid pun bekerja di rumah keluarga Zainab. Pertemuan demi pertemuan membuat keduanya, Hamid dan Zainab, kemudian saling jatuh cinta.

Mereka berbagi impian yang sama, yaitu tiap manusia bebas untuk mencintai dan dicintai, dan impian untuk menunaikan ibadah haji di Mekah

Hamid melakukan segalanya demi Zainab. Demi mewujudkan cinta mereka. Demi mewujudkan impian itu. Melewati berbagai halangan yang ingin memisahkan mereka, mencoba membuka satu persatu belenggu yang meng atasnama kan adat masa itu.

Bahkan ketika keinginannya untuk meminang Zainab pupus sudah, keinginannya untuk mewujudkan impiannya dan Zainab pergi ke Ka’bah tetap ia perjuangkan.

Hamid berjuang pergi ke Mekah demi Zainab. Zainab berjuang mempertahankan cintanya disini demi Hamid

Sebuah cerita yang berlatar belakang Sumatera Barat tahun 1920-an tentang cinta abadi, dimana ketika segala sesuatu kelihatannya tak mungkin, cinta dengan caranya sendiri, menjadikannya mungkin


Jenis Film :Drama
Produser :Lynette Howell, Beau St. Clair
Produksi :Barbarian Film Group
Homepage :
Rating LSF :Dewasa (adult)
Durasi :102

Cast & Crew
Pemain :
  • Pierce Brosnan
  • Susan Sarandon
  • Carey Mulligan
  • Johnny Simmons
  • Aaron Johnson
  • Zoe Kravitz
  • Michael Shannon
Sutradara : Shana Feste
Penulis : Shana Feste

Ketika seorang wanita muda, Rose (Carey Mulligan), muncul beberapa bulan menghilang dan mengumumkan kehamilannya, keluarga Brewer terpaksa menerimanya. Pada awalnya, kehadiran Rose dianggap makin menghancurkan hubungan keluarga ini, namun interaksi yang ia lakukan dengan masing-masing anggota keluarga Brewers membuktikan ia dapat menyatyukan keluarga itu kembali


Jenis Film :Drama
Produksi :Yari Film Group
Durasi :108

Cast & Crew
Pemain :
  • Jamie Kennedy
  • Bobby Lee
  • Miguel A. Núñez Jr.
  • Maria Menounos
  • Regan Oey
  • Michael Rosenbaum
  • Vivica A. Fox
Sutradara : Harvey Glazer
Penulis : 
  • Trace Slobotkin
  • Josh Siegal
  • Dylan Morgan
Kepala seorang penari breakdance muda terbentur disebuah pertunjukan bakat dan mengalami koma selama dua puluh tahun. Saat tersadar di tahun 2006, ia ingin menghidupkan kembali karir serta timnya dengan bantuan kekasih dan orang tuanya


Jenis Film :Drama/family
Produser :Sarjono Sutrisno
Produksi :Skylar Pictures
Durasi :100

Cast & Crew
Pemain :
  • Alex Komang
  • Dinda Hauw
  • Esa Sigit
  • Ranty Purnamasari
  • Dwi Andika
  • Egi John Foreisythe

Sutradara : Harris Nizam
Penulis : Beby Hasibuan

Diangkat dari kisah nyata dan novel berjudul sama, film ini menceritakan tentang Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika atau Keke (Dinda Hauw), seorang gadis remaja berusia 13 tahun yang cukup beruntung, karena lahir dari keluarga yang sangat berada, memiliki dua orang kakak laki-laki dan orang tua yang sangat menyayanginya. Selain itu Keke juga di kelilingi 6 sahabat karib yang selalu setia menemaninya dan hidupnya pun semakin lengkap dengan kehadiran seorang kekasih yang juga begitu menyayanginya yaitu Andy (Esa Sigit)

Semuanya tampak begitu sempurna. Sampai kemudian kanker menghinggapinya. Keke adalah pengidap Rhabdomyosarcoma (Kanker Jaringan Lunak) pertama di Indonesia. Gadis cantik itu pun berubah menjadi"monster" hingga terpaksa harus menjalani serangkaian kemotrapi dan radiasi hampir setahun lamanya, akibatnya, semua,rambut Keke sedikit demi sedikit mulai rontok, kulitnya mengering, dan sering mual-mual. Ketekunan Keke dan keluarganya membuahkan hasil. Keke dinyatakan sembuh dan bisa kembali menjalani aktifitas seperti sedia kala.

Tak dinyana, setahun kemudian, kanker itu kembali, lebih parah dan mematikan. Sadar tak mungkin bertahan, tidak lantas membuatnya meyerah dan kalah. Semangatnya untuk tetap menjadi yang terbaik tak sedikitpun melemah. Seperti bintang Sirius yang tetap bersinar terang walau langit tertutup awan


Jenis Film : War
Produser : Conor Allyn
Produksi : Media Desa Indonesia & Margate House Film
Homepage :
Rating LSF : Remaja (teen)
Durasi : 100

Cast & Crew
Pemain : Darius Sinathrya T. Rifnu Wikana Lukman Sardi Donny Alamsyah Rahayu Saraswati Nugie Ranggani Puspandya Astri Nurdin Michael Bell

Sutradara : Yadi Sugandi Conor Allyn
Penulis : Conor Allyn Rob Allyn

Dengan latar belakang masa-masa kelam revolusi di awal tahun 1948, HATI MERDEKA mengikuti perjalanan sekelompok kadet yang kemudian menjadi pasukan gerilya elit setelah kejadian pembunuhan massal para kadet calon prajurit di tahun 1947 (sebuah cerita yang didasarkan kisah nyata tentang perang yang mengakibatkan terbunuhnya kedua paman Hashim pada peristiwa Lengkong tahun 1946). Diperankan secara apik oleh semua bintang film muda Indonesia (Donny Alamsyah, nominasi sebagai Aktor Terbaik untuk MERAH PUTIH di Festival Film Bandung 2010, T. Rifnu Wikana dan Lukman Sardi, nominasi sebagai Aktor Terbaik dan Aktor Pendukung Terbaik untuk DARAH GARUDA baru-baru ini di Indonesia Movie Awards, bersama dengan Aldy Zulfikar sebagai Pendatang Baru Terbaik memerankan serdadu kecil bernama Budi), Rahayu Saraswati, pemenang Aktris Terbaik di Bali International Film Festival 2009 untuk Merah Putih dan Darius Sinathrya yang memiliki peran terbesarnya dalam film ini.

Setelah menyelesaikan misi yang berakhir tragis dengan kehilangan anggota kelompok ini, kesetiaan kelompok ini kembali diuji dengan mundurnya pimpinan mereka, Amir (Lukman Sardi) dari Angkatan Darat. Tanpa pemimpin dan dengan dirundung kesedihan karena kehilangan mereka, para kadet membawa dendam mereka dalam perjalanan misi mereka ke Bali tempat Dayan yang bisu (T. Rifnu Wikana) tinggal, untuk membalas dendam kepada Belanda. Mereka dikirim ke Bali untuk membunuh Kolonel Raymer (Michael Bell, aktor berbakat dari Inggris yang meninggal April lalu), yang telah membunuh keluarga Tomas (Donny Alamsyah) di awal trilogi ini. Tomas telah dipilih sebagai pemimpin baru dari kelompok kadet ini. Menghadapi meriam kapal perang Belanda, Marius yang playboy dan peminum (Darius Sinathrya) harus mengatasi rasa takutnya karena persaingannya dengan Tomas untuk memperebutkan Senja, seorang gadis berdarah biru (Rahayu Saraswati)

Sesampainya di Bali, kelompok taruna ini menyelamatkan Dayu (pemeran baru Ranggani Puspandya) dari kekejaman kelompok milisi KNIL Kolonel Raymer, tapi salah satu dari kelompok kadet ini hampir saja mati terbunuh. Saat teman mereka sedang berjuang antara hidup dan mati, kelompok kadet ini bertemu dengan pemimpin pemberontak bawah tanah Wayan Suta (Nugie). Tomas bentrok dengan pimpinan mereka terdahulu, Amir (Lukman Sardi) saat mereka merencanakan serangan terakhir untuk melawan milisi Raymer yang menimbulkan pertanyaan: Sejauh mana revolusi ini bisa menghancurkan kejahatan dan tetap mempertahankan idealismenya?
Mulai 9 Juni 2011


Jenis Film :Comedy
Produser :Chand Parwez Servia
Produksi :Pt. Kharisma Starvision Plus
Durasi :0

Cast & Crew
Pemain : Tria Changcut Dipa Changcut alda Changcut Qibil Changcut Erick Changcut Olivia Jensen Kamidia Radisti joe P Project ingrid Widjanarko candil

Sutradara : Iqbal Rais
Penulis : Cassandra Massardi

The Tarix Jabrix mendapat tantangan terbesar dalam hidup mereka. Setelah gagal menjadi pahlawan saat menyelamatkan sebuah Panti dari kebakaran, CACING (Tria Changcut) yang bekerja di perusahaan asuransi diminta atasannya untuk bernegosiasi dengan musuh lama mereka, geng motor ROAD DEVILS supaya tidak membuat kerusuhan lagi di Bandung yang sudah memakan banyak korban, dan tagihan klaim asuransi yang menumpuk. Cacing langsung menyanggupi, dan para sahabatnya, DADANG (Erick Changcut), MULDER (Dipa Changcut), CIKO (Alda Changcut) dan COKI (Qibil Changcut) ikut menemani Cacing pulang ke Bandung. Mulder yang mendapat posisi sebagai wakil direktur di perusahaan papinya, memutuskan mundur karena merasa papinya bekerjasama dengan orang asing untuk mengeksploit Indonesia

Namun saat The Tarix Jabrix yang kali ini berangkat tidak memakai motor mereka, tapi mobil perusahaan kantor, berhasil dilumpuhkan oleh Road Devils yang sekarang sudah memiliki jenderal baru, seorang gadis galak dan jagoan bernama MELLY (Olivia Jensen). Bukan cuma uang negosiasi yang diambil, namun mobil kantor dirusak, dan yang paling memakan harga diri Cacing.. jaket kesayangannya juga disita oleh Melly karena Cacing kalah adu balap

Cacing malu berat, emosinya bertambah saat ternyata Emak Cacing juga diserang oleh Road Devils. The Tarix Jabrix menyatakan perang dengan Road Devils, dengan dibantu oleh BAROKAH (Eddi Brokoli), mantan jenderal Road Devils yang ingin menggulingkan Melly. The Tarix Jabrix membuat perjanjian dengan Road Devils, mereka ingin mengadakan balapan ulang. Geng motor yang kalah, harus dibubarkan. Melly menyanggupi. The Tarix Jabrix pun berlatih dengan LAKSAMANA RODA GILA (Budi Dalton) supaya bisa mengalahkan Melly dan Road Devils

Dadang bertemu dengan MAYANG (Kamidia Radisti) yang ternyata juga murid Laksamana Roda Gila. Hati Dadang pun berbunga-bunga, menyangka dapat kesempatan untuk menyatakan cintanya ke Mayang. Namun Mayang menyimpan sebuah rahasia. Sementara itu, atas ide Barokah, Cacing berusaha mencari kelemahan Melly dengan berlagak PDKT ke Melly. Namun dasar Cacing, maksud menjadi agen rahasia, malah jatuh cinta betulan dengan Melly. Mulder yang minggat dari rumah, berusaha dibujuk oleh papinya untuk kembali. Namun Mulder tetap menolak. Yang anak-anak Tarix Jabrix dan Road Devils tidak tahu adalah.. sebuah bencana besar siap melanda

Siapakah yang bisa memenangkan balapan? The Tarix Jabrix atau Road Devils? Bisakah cinta Cacing dan Melly dari dua kubu yang berbeda bersatu?